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How to Install a Garden Pizza Oven Quickly and Easily

Garden pizza ovens have become a sought-after addition to many homes, offering a delightful culinary experience right in one's backyard.

However, purchasing a pizza oven is only half the battle. Given their substantial weight, installing a new pizza oven in your garden or kitchen can be a daunting task that can lead to injuries and strain if not done properly.

Here is where a bespoke mini crane hire service can help.

The lift mini crane offers the perfect solution to this challenge, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free setup for your garden pizza oven without risking injury or harm. This blog will give you all the details you need to install a pizza oven safely and easily with the help of a mini crane.

garden pizza oven installation with the ilift mini crane

How heavy is a pizza oven?

Pizza ovens come in various styles, from traditional brick pizza ovens to contemporary Fugo pizza ovens, which have soared in popularity in recent years.

Typically, these ovens can weigh anywhere from a few hundred to over a thousand kilograms, depending on their size and materials. This significant weight presents a challenge, making their transportation and installation a hefty task for homeowners.

How do you lift a pizza oven into place?

In the past, installing a pizza oven has been done through sheer manpower. The buyer would need to grab family, friends and neighbours to heave the pizza oven into place.

This comes with a serious risk of injury and potential damage to the oven or property. Plus, the time and effort needed for such a job is far from minimal.

However, this doesn’t have to be the case anymore.

Mini cranes offer a modern solution to heavy lifting as they are specifically designed to handle heavy loads with precision and ease. Mini cranes, such as the ilift, eliminate the need for large groups of people, reduce the risk of accidents, and ensure that the pizza oven is placed perfectly in its designated spot, without the risk of damage to it or the property.

Furthermore, due to the ilfit’s compact design, it can easily navigate tight spaces, making it ideal for garden installations.

As we can see, the benefits of using a mini crane far outweigh the traditional methods, offering a safer, quicker, and more efficient approach to pizza oven installation.

Mini crane hire for installing garden pizza ovens

When it comes to installing heavy items like pizza ovens, a mini crane emerges as the ideal solution. Why?

Because it combines the power needed to lift heavy objects with the flexibility to operate in confined spaces, typical of many gardens.

The ilift is a mini crane that stands out in its class, making it the ideal choice for pizza oven installations. Here's what sets the ilift apart:

  • Compact size and rubber tracks: Unlike bulky traditional cranes, the ilift's design is sleek and compact, allowing it to access tight spots with ease. Its rubber tracks ensure smooth movement without causing damage to garden surfaces or lawns.
  • Revolutionary Load-Lock technology: This advanced feature ensures that the load remains stable during the lifting process, eliminating any wobbles or shifts that could pose risks.
  • Navigating challenges: Whether it's tight corners, narrow pathways, or uneven terrains, the ilift's design allows it to manoeuvre effortlessly through confined or awkward spaces, making it perfect for garden installations.
  • Licensed operator: When hiring the ilift, you're not just hiring the machine; you're also getting an expert. Every ilift hire comes with a trained and licensed operator, ensuring that the installation process is smooth, efficient, safe and professional.
  • Safety First: Lifting heavy objects, especially something as precious as a pizza oven, can be risky. The ilift, with its advanced features and professional operator, significantly reduces these risks. It ensures not only the safety of the people involved but also guarantees a stable and secure installation of the oven, which in turn protects your investment and your property.

Overall, the ilift offers a comprehensive solution for those looking to install a pizza oven without the fuss, hazards, and complications of traditional methods.

pizza oven installation

Benefits of using the ilift for garden pizza oven installation

The dream of having a garden pizza oven can be marred by the logistical challenges of installation. However, with the ilift mini crane, these challenges are effortlessly addressed.

You’ll benefit from:

  • Versatility and manouvrabiity: The ilift’s design allows it to navigate tight garden spaces with ease, ensuring that no corner is out of reach.
  • Precision and stability: The ilift's advanced features ensure that the pizza oven is not only lifted but also placed with precision. This means seamless installations without the worry of misalignment or instability.
  • Time efficiency: With the ilift, installations are quicker. No more waiting around or coordinating with multiple people. This means you get to fire up your pizza oven and enjoy its delights sooner rather than later

As a registered installer of Fuego Pizza Ovens, opting for ilift can bring additional financial benefits for our customers. Access discounts and benefit from a seamless installation process when buying your pizza over from Fuego.

What is the cost of hiring a mini crane?

Hiring the ilift mini crane for a pizza oven installation is priced at £400+vat and + travel costs. We believe this is a highly competitive price for the peace of mind and professional service you receive.

You can find a full break down of our mini crane hire costs via our pricing page.

mini crane hire for brick pizza oven

Let the ilift mini crane do the hard work for you

In the world of garden pizza oven installations, the ilift mini crane emerges as a game-changer. With its unmatched versatility, precision, and cost-effectiveness, it simplifies what could otherwise be a daunting task.

Why wrestle with traditional, cumbersome methods when a modern, efficient solution is at hand?

Contact the ilift today for a hassle-free pizza oven installation. We’re here to help get your garden renovation underway!

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