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Solving Heavy Lifting Challenges With The iLift

Construction case study

We are iLift, a Scottish-based company revolutionising the construction industry with our mini crane hire service.

Our mini tracked crawler crane, the iLift, is a unique solution for contractors and builders who need to move heavy materials and equipment in restricted spaces. See for yourself the fantastic heavy lifitng solution the iLift provided in our case study outlined below.

The Brief

One recent project that the iLift worked on was a block and beam flooring project, where we were tasked with moving more than 40 large concrete beams through a restricted access doorway before carefully installing them on the far side of the house.

Each beam weighed around 340kg, so, as you can imagine, relaying soley on man-power would be a difficult undertaking. In addition, large cranes and other large machinery were not best suited due to small access areas we were working around.

This made the iLift the perfect solution for this challenging project. With its 1.5-tonne lifting capacity, the iLift was able to easily lift and transport pairs of heavy concrete beams onto its bed for secure transport. The iLift's load-lock™ legs braced and secured the beams during transport, ensuring optimum levels of safety and stability.

Our Work

One of the biggest challenges of the project was the restricted access doorway in the front of the property. The iLift was able to lift and transport the large 6.2-metre-long concrete beams lengthways, which enabled them to get through the narrow access. Once through the doorway, the Hooka stacked the heavy beams in pairs on the far side of the house, making it easier and quicker to transport them to the required location.

The iLift's narrow one-meter width and rubber tracks also made it possible to move heavy loads and materials to hard-to-reach places that other lifting and winching solutions cannot reach without causing damage. This was critical for the Block and Beam flooring project, where the beams had to be set in place across the DPC foundation walls, 60 meters away from where they were initially stacked.

As you can see, our mini crane hire service is an ideal solution for individuals, contractors, and construction companies that require heavy lifting and construction work in restricted spaces. With its compact size, the iLift can access and maneuver around tight spaces with ease, without compromising on the lifting capacity.

Why hire the iLift?

Here at iLift, we have built a reputation for being an expert in the field of construction and mini crane operation. We take great pride in our work and provide excellent customer service, ensuring that all of our clients, be it large contracting groups or individual homeowners, are satisfied with the end results.

Our experienced and skilled operators are trained to use the iLift safely and effectively, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.

In addition to block and beam flooring projects such as this one, our mini crane hire service can also be used for a wide range of other construction projects, including steel erection, glazing, masonry, and landscaping. The iLift's versatility and adaptability make it an ideal solution for a wide range of construction projects. Simply let us know what you need help with and we’ll tell you if the iLift is well suited for your project or not!

If you require heavy lifting and construction work in restricted spaces, iLift's mini crane hire service is the perfect solution for you.

Get in touch today to have your heavy lifting needs taken care of.

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Fantastic work. Helped to remove waste from my garden despite there being no vehicle access. Save me loads of time and effort!

James Badley

With iLifts help, we could quickly and safely transport materials for our construction work. Always a pleasure, working with professionals.

Campbell Construction Ltd.

Transporting vehicle scissor lifts while on workshop floors is a pain, so we are delighted with how easy and painless it was with help from iLift.

Marshall Construction Ltd.

Amazed with the service we received. iLift helped us to meet our completion date and made transporting steel frames a breeze.

Helen Greene

Fanstastic guys to deal with on this project!

Kyle MacKinnon

Delighted with the level of service.

David Dwyer

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